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  1. #1 by Anonymous on May 22, 2020 - 1:05 pm

    Anonymous :
    Who is “They” and what is their motivation?

    “They” have many names. The Black Nobility, the 1%, The Global Elite, The Cabal, The Technocrats, The Royal Bloodlines, The Bilderberg Group…

    “they:” are “people” that believe they have a divine right to rule the masses. They think they know what is best for the course of humanity. They think we are sheep, and they are shepherds. They think they are Prometheans.

    Their motivation, at this point is to use their wealth to implement a plan for a global government. Part of that plan has been to establish a totalitarian technocracy and global depopulation to “save the planet”. They want to reduce our numbers to a manageable level. They accomplish this through many means. Some of which are, radiation causing sterility and cancer, contaminated food, endless wars, causing mental illnesses by messing with our environment and basic human values and ideals like the value of children and families, causing suicidal depression and anxiety. Bio weapons like viral epidemics, the list goes on.

    Now that we are moving into the age of Artificial Intelligence, “they” have started ramping up their agendas to move us completely in to mega cities, exposing us to more mental illness and EMF radiation. Making our kids grow up to be sterile and giving our elders cancer before they can retire.

    With the A.I.’s ability to replace our jobs on a mass scale on our horizon, we face the same fate as the common work horses in the early days of the industrial revolution. We are no longer needed, just like horses were no longer needed after tractors and cars were invented. They will keep a few million people for specific roles and for sport. Just like horses. But, in the words of Henry Kissenger, we are just “useless eaters”.

    This is their new world order, in a nutshell. Look at modern China. That is what they want for the entire world.

    If you want to know more, look it up.

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