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  1. #1 by Anonymous on May 28, 2019 - 11:43 am

    Hi Joe, We need your help!
    ALERT: Verizon AG nominee Bill Barr

    Action alert: AG nominee is Verizon’s former top attorney William Barr

    Please distribute this information widely.

    William Barr, nominee for U.S. Attorney General, was general counsel and executive VP for Verizon for 2000-2008. Before that, he was general counsel and Vice President for GTE Corp from 1994-2000 and helped negotiate the merger that created Verizon.

    “Barr directed a successful litigation campaign by the local telephone industry to achieve deregulation by scuttling a series of FCC rules, personally arguing several cases in the federal courts of appeals and the Supreme Court.”

    This may have set the stage for the elimination of copperline landlines.
    Also notice the timeline: he was with GTE during the time of the 1996 Telecom Act.

    He worked for the CIA from 1973-1977.

    If he becomes Attorney General and heads up the U.S. Department of Justice, it will affect all Smart Meter, wireless, cellphone, and cell tower legal cases. It would terribly impact and gut ADA protections for those disabled by electromagnetic sensitivity. This appointment would block public access to the Department of Justice for legal remedies. His appointment will effectively be a telecom corporate takeover of the DOJ.

    The timing is horrendous as the FCC is rushing to eliminate local and state authority over small cells.

    It is urgent to contact your state senators now and call President Trump to oppose this devastating nominee. Messages to the White House comment operators should be non-partisan, issue-based, civil, and have substance. Also contact your congressmen and congresswomen; though they can’t confirm nominees, they can certainly oppose them.

    It will take overwhelming public opposition, and environmental, medical, health, and consumer organization opposition to stop this appointment. It must be done.

    Information on the committee to hold confirmation hearings will follow.

    President Trump
    202-456-1111 White House comment line

    California senators:
    Kamala Harris
    202-224-2200 FAX

    Dianne Feinstein
    202-228-3954 FAX

    Quotes from some sources:

    “After leaving the Justice Department in 1993, Barr built a career in corporate law, serving as general counsel and executive vice president of Verizon Communications Inc. from 2000 to 2008.

    He was general counsel for GTE Corp. from 1994 until 2000, helping to negotiate a merger of GTE and Bell Atlantic Corp. that produced Verizon Communications. He also argued before the U.S. Supreme Court and the European Commission.”
    Source: Daily Signal

    “From 1973 to 1977, Barr was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency.”

    Barr also served as Attorney General under President George W. Bush.

    “After his tenure at the Department of Justice, Barr spent more than 14 years as a senior corporate executive. At the end of 2008 he retired from Verizon Communications, having served as Executive Vice President and General Counsel of GTE Corporation from 1994 until that company merged with Bell Atlantic to become Verizon. During his corporate tenure, Barr directed a successful litigation campaign by the local telephone industry to achieve deregulation by scuttling a series of FCC rules, personally arguing several cases in the federal courts of appeals and the Supreme Court.[27]

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