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  1. #1 by Anonymous on February 21, 2019 - 3:47 am

    I woke up this morning with this thought on my mind: The implementation of 5G, that, from what I understand, is a totally different “animal” than 4G; the implementation of Agenda 21 that is now Agenda 2030, then beyond that there’s Agenda 2050 and the numerous mandates that are components of these agendas: e.g., universal biometric I.D. for the entire planet; the Green New Deal; electronic pollution; environmental crises and Geoengineering are just a few examples of myriad that are all delivering the same message. And that message is…”You have no vote. You have no say in what We decide to do on this planet. We have control you don’t. You have the numbers but We have spent many years training you into mental states that are impotent. You are like cattle to us. You can talk all you want, you can expose all the “hidden truth” and “hidden agendas” you want; it doesn’t matter. You have no power. We have the power.” Whoever you might believe the “We” is, that is not the “We.” The actual “We” is well hidden within hierarchical structures of power on levels that are far removed from the “battlefield.” What to do? Step forward, rise up, step up, express yourself, vote! Pick one; for example, 5G and vote against it. Communicate your vote via a simple statement; e.g., something like…NO 5G FOR ME! and broadcast it everywhere in whatever way you can think of. Make your vote ubiquitous. Will this work? Of course not! But, if it caught on, it might just rekindle something we still have but the knowledge of has been heavily suppressed; that is, our own tremendous power of SELF.

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