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  1. #1 by Anonymous on January 29, 2019 - 9:40 am

    Notice how a city council member claims that there is nothing wrong with 5G wifi at around 3:16 time frame in response to concern public comment during a PlanCos (A Smart City Plan) gets moved forward. (City Council Meeting January 8, 2010)http://coloradosprings.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=1022&meta_id=170703Concrete evidence needs to be submitted to those implementing all these drastic changes to our cities and neighborhoods. A hub for people to get the needed information to present is needed.

    • #2 by Anonymous on February 20, 2019 - 11:46 pm

      They have big stock push to invest in 5G’s supported by previous Speaker Bonner. Had signed for investment material when promoted for Cannibis medical etc. but then they sent this buy campaign for stock for 5G for cars self driving and all the electronics that will limit the time of your shower. (I am a senior and shower 1-2 times a week d/t dry skin.) Everything will be rationed. And vaccine promoter experts coming out by the bussles. Saw video four students in dorn died of cancer shortly after they installed 5G meters on the bldg on a campus in CA. Sorry can not find the vid that told where. They were not going to remove the meters. Who knows if there is a setting or a surge when first installed that cause this more than coincidental tragedy.

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