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  1. #1 by Anonymous on December 11, 2018 - 9:31 pm

    Good! I’m happy for 5G because Lucifer is the God of this world, so why would I want to live on this earth 1 second longer.. I really can’t wait for my body to die from this evil earth so my soul and spirit can finally be with God and Jesus in the heavenly realm where Lucifer can’t tempt me anymore with drugs and porn and alcohol and everything else! I can’t wait to die! Praise be to God in the name of His son Jesus!

    • #2 by Anonymous on December 13, 2018 - 12:46 pm

      Thank you for amazing videos on this subject.
      Just a few people understand the real power of subconscious mind. In fact, 95% of our lives is determined by this unique and amazing instrument. It process information with the speed of 4 bln/bit per second and 2 ml times more powerful rather than our consciousness.

    • #3 by Jessica Garcia on January 22, 2019 - 10:50 pm

      Do you sell tshirts? Would it be okay to make a shirt with your websites printed on the shirt? I want to be a walking advertisement when out in public. Please let me know what you think, thank you

    • #4 by Anon on August 31, 2019 - 8:08 am

      Sounds like a good idea

    • #5 by Frederick Lunblad on February 4, 2019 - 10:48 pm

      Bases 88 part 2 Tim Rifat Raided.
      From one hour to one hour and to the end.

    • #6 by Anonymous on February 22, 2019 - 1:15 pm

      Joe, besides entering into public record at city council enter it in your County Clerk of Records where it can always be found under your name en perpetuity and you get a copy of it’s recording number. They stole my court file but the documents have to still be there. You can also file it w the US Library of Congress. They cannot refuse anything. Any recordings should also be filed like your presentations to be on safe side. You have done what you can by sounding the alarm.

    • #7 by Dawn Watson on May 29, 2019 - 5:04 pm

      Dear Joel,

      I share your passion. I lived in CA my entire life and taught middle school in downtown LA at a charter school for five years as well as five community colleges and UCLA. I got severe EMF sensitivity from the wifi, cell phones and chemtrails along with the lead paint and mercury.

      My head started hurting so bad that I had to move out of the city to Desert Hot Springs and stay away from people as I had to wear tinfoil on my head to block the EMF’s from burning my brain and skin.

      My skin and feet have got holes burned in them many times. Yes, from the metal in the air conducting to the cell phones and the metal on the ground and my shoes.

      I have a 14 year old daughter that I am concerned about and I went to the Glendale Unified School District atty and sent him numerous emails with educational information to get the wifi and cell phones turned off.

      At first, they thought I was nuts. But, when several other parents demanded they take the wifi out and make sure the cell phones were off they then thanked me for educating them.

      However, they said the new computers that they purchased were wireless and that they needed them from testing. So, I told them to shut them off and turn them on for testing only.

      They moved the routers out of the middle of the room. But, never took them out.

      We have doctors diagnosing kids with migranes when their heads are frying from the wifi and cell phones and cell towers.

      Our only hope is miracles from Jesus.

      I lived in a home for 15 years that had lead paint and I had to go thru 50 – 60 IV’s to chelate the lead and mercury out of my brain and body.

      Thank God for my holistic doctor in Redondo Beach and two nutritionists that told me the truth about shampoo’s, deodarant’s, the wifi, cell phones, bra’s and so much more.

      Thank you for what you do. Jesus we need protection and holy spirit fire and angels over us to save us and protect us.

      I would never want a child or anyone to go thru what I have had to go thru to stay alive. An absolute 7 year nightmare that is still not over.

      God bless you and heal us all!

      Signs, wonders and miracles I pray.

      Dawn Watson

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