Archive for October, 2020

the fake alien virus


Fullerton’s fiscal situation calls for a Chapter 9 filing not a sales tax increase.

Fullerton’s fiscal situation calls for a Chapter 9 filing not a sales tax increase. One has to wonder now that most Fullerton businesses are either shuttered or operating at fraction of capacity, how Fullerton will avoid totally tanking. No one wants to give anything up at city hall and meanwhile our city is falling apart literally. No matter who gets on the council, nothing changes because that is just the way it is and it will always be. They always stack the deck and the residents never see through it. With the lockdowns enforced by our municipal corporation agents, tax collection has been in freefall. But wait a minute. For years, perhaps decades, every weekend we had upwards of 10,000 people blowing their wads in the bars and restaurants around town throwing cash around like confetti. Fullerton couldn’t fix the roads then and stayed broke. Remember a midsummer’s night when you couldn’t even breath in the sardine can packed watering holes and eateries downtown? The sales taxes were never being properly collected then and they never will be again- even with the illegal pot shops that have popped up in their place. Well, we are never going back to normal, not because of me but because of the agents of the municipal corporation that keep us in this perpetual state of fear, hope, disappointment, despair, confusion, dependence on government assistance, and of course economic ruin. So with the endless threats of ongoing lockdowns, social distancing and color coded virus alerts, what methods of tax revenue generation do these agents of the municipal corporation think will save us? Perhaps the tens of thousand of units of planned 10 story subsidized, state mandated apartment buildings that are coming fo Fullerton are going to save us? The tax base is gone, is never coming back and raising the tax rate on little or nothing that’s left still gets you little or nothing. Non taxable grocery store purchases are up in direct proportion to the decline in taxable dining expenditures. Its all awash. Fullerton is missing at least 100 million dollars from its coffers over the last 30 years, and even after publicly calling for an independent audit of Fullerton’s finances at the Council meeting multiple times for years, NOT ONE COUNCIL MEMBER ever touched it with a ten foot pole. They are all worthless No city has our roads, no city has our problems. Everywhere I go in the OC, cities pay their police, fire, and repave the roads. Not Fullerton. Ladies and gentlemen, tough times are coming. Fullerton is going to tank, Public safety cuts are coming, crime is going to keep getting worse, our city is going to continue to get more crowded and more dangerous. High density housing is coming by the tens of thousands of units that will be out of local control, the roads will get worse, and no one at city hall will budge until the whole kit and kaboodle goes swish down the toilet. You need to be ready to protect your home, prepare for unrest, natural disasters, and the un-forseen circumstances like the ones 2020 has shown us. You, your family, your neighborhood, and your city will depend more and more on each of us in the days ahead. You see. for far too long, too many of you taxpayers actually believed the BS and the lies of the local politicians and that you would get what you paid for. When it comes to government and politicians, you never do. Think again while you still have the wherewithal to do so. You cannot vote your way out of this one, We are all going to go through this together. How we come out of it will be a function of how seriously we all take the warning.


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