Archive for February, 2020
Posted by Joe Imbriano in 5g, 60ghz dangers, coronavirus on February 10, 2020
If you have 10,000 soldiers walking the streets of Wuhan, you would have to quarantine them for two weeks after their first day on the streets to avoid them coming back and infecting other soldiers at their barracks.
So these soldiers are lost to the military for 14 days under quarantine.
You would need another 10,000 fresh batch of soldiers on the streets.
Another 10,000 soldiers
Do you know how many soldiers you would need to keep this up?It is impossible. Do you know how many cities there are in China?
Why is nobody talking about this?
Wuhan Rounds Up the Infected as Death Toll in China Jumps
Coronavirus kills 97 people in one day, while cruise ship cases almost double
They are telling us that this virus is so infectious that half of secondary infections occur in the incubation period. At least one of every two instances of human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus is believed to occur while the first patient is not yet showing symptoms, according to an estimate by a group of Japanese university researchers.
You have all your police and military on the streets in Wuhan…with no gloves on, ridding the subways with recycled air and touching the grab poles and rails….yet…none of the military or police are quarantined even though they tell us this virus is so contagious that one of every two instances of human transmission occurs when a person is not showing any signs or symptoms.
So half of transmissions are spread when people are asymptomatic and showing NO SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS of the Coronovirus flu.
The only way to control this is to not only take people who are sick but those who are NOT sick.
You would have to quarantine everyone.
You have Chinese police and military supposedly dragging sick and “Potentially” sick people out of their homes and cars and quarantining them They are telling us that hospital staff wearing hazmat suits are getting infected
Who is quarantining the police and military who are grabbing and exposing themselves to these sick people?
What about all the hospital staff exposed to this virus working around supposed sick “Wuhan infected” patients. Why are they not being quarantined.
Apparently even the hospital workers are all getting infected even with Hazmat suits on….taking extreme precautions hadling infected people…yet the miltiary and police can round up sick people, walk the streets and subways with no gloves on and the virus has not spread to the police or military.
This is a complete joke. Do you know how fast a virus would spread through a police station or military barracks/mess hall if it were real?
In theory every military and police personnel sent out on the streets should be quarantined for 2 weeks before being allowed to retum to their police stations/army barracks to avoid spreading this “Highly deadly and extremely virulent” virus.
You would run out of military and police personal within a week if you had to quarantine them for 2 weeks after being exposed to the virus on the streets or subways not to mention arresting and dragging off people with no hazmat suits on.
Everyone of these soldiers should be quarantined for 2 weeks before even being allowed back to their barracks. They tell us this virus is contagious when people are not showing any signs or symptoms.How stupid are people to believe this hoax? 40 hospital staff taking extreme precautions and wearing hazmat suits are infected.
New coronavirus infected 40 staff in single Wuhan hospital: study
Soldiers with no gloves on riding the subway breathing recycled air with paper surgical masks on…and they don’t get infected and are not even quarantined before returning to their barracks where they could infect the entire military personnel.
You have the police walking around, no gloves on and touching the people…whom we are told can be asymptomatic and carrying the virus. Taking their temperature is useless in detecting people infected during the incubation period where they show no signs and symptoms.
Police not even wearing gloves and yet 40 hospital staff wearing hazmat suits get infected. Coronavirus: Nine members of Hong Kong family feared infected after sharing hotpot mealHalf of secondary virus infections occur in incubation period: study
![]() At least one of every two instances of human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus is believed to occur while the first patient is not yet showing symptoms, according to an estimate by a group of Japanese university researchers. Based on its determination, the team, headed by Hokkaido University professor Hiroshi Nishiura, has called for preventive measures as well as reinforcing the medical care system against a potential sharp rise in coronavirus patients, rather than focusing exclusively on isolation as a way to contain the disease. According to the estimate based on 26 human-to-human infection cases released by six countries such as China, Thailand and the United States, the timing of the secondary infection was shorter than previously thought. Although the average period of incubation for the coronavirus originating from central China is believed to be about five days, the researchers found that second patients in more than half of the 26 human-to-human infection cases under study developed pneumonia symptoms within five days. The team concluded that these second patients were infected with the virus during its incubation period for the first patients. “The findings suggest that it is difficult to contain the illness simply by isolation,” Nishiura said. “We need to put more emphasis on prevention of infection for people with high risks such as the elderly.” “It is also important to prepare the medical care system so that we will not experience confusion even in the event of a greater number of pneumonia patients,” he added. The number of people with the new coronavirus in mainland China has topped 31,000, with the death toll in the country rising to 636, according to the Chinese government. Many countries including Japan are struggling to contain the spread of the disease by isolating infected patients. New coronavirus infected 40 staff in single Wuhan hospital: studyAFPFEBRUARY 7, 2020 06:00 PM A total of 14 out of 138 patients (10 percent) in a Wuhan hospital who were studied in the new paper presented with diarrhea and nausea
Forty health care workers were infected with the novel coronavirus by patients at a single Wuhan hospital in January, a new study has found, underscoring the risks to those at the frontlines of the growing epidemic. One patient who was admitted to the surgical department was presumed to have infected 10 health care workers, according to the paper that was authored by doctors at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on Friday. article continues below
TRENDING STORIESSeventeen patients who were hospitalized for other reasons also became infected by the coronavirus. A total of 138 patients got the virus in a period spanning January 1 to January 28, with hospital-associated transmission accounting for 41 percent of all cases. The study comes just hours after a Chinese doctor who was punished for raising the alarm about the coronavirus died from the pathogen — sparking an outpouring of grief and anger over a worsening crisis that has now killed more than 630 people. Li Wenliang, 34, sent out a message about the new coronavirus to colleagues on December 30 in Wuhan but was later among a group of people summoned by police for “rumor-mongering.” He later contracted the disease while treating a patient. Of the 40 infected health care workers in the JAMA study, 31 worked on general wards, seven in the emergency department, and two in the ICU. The example of the patient presumed to have infected 10 health workers highlighted the high level of danger within hospitals during the first phase of the epidemic, even though overall it is currently estimated that each patient infects on average 2.2 others. “If true, then this confirms that some patients are likely to be far more infectious than others, and this poses further difficulties in managing their cases,” said Michael Head, a global health expert at the University of Southampton said in a comment to the UK’s Science Media Centre. Medical staff at the epicenter of the virus are overstretched and lack sufficient protective gear, the deputy governor of Hubei province admitted Thursday. Dear God…look at this.
Telling us an increase in S02 levels taken from fake satellites shows that the Chinese are Cremating all the Dead Wuhan Virus victims. Covering up a massive pandemic. You can’t make this shit up. The Intelligence agencies know the public is so dumb downed they will believe anything.
24/7 Fear Porn.
They put out constant FEAR. Sign of Mass Cremations in WuhanAlso consider Rise in Sulfur Dioxide Could be Sign of Mass Cremations in Wuhan Does A Sudden Surge In SO2 Levels Suggest A Huge Surge In Cremations Across China?A sudden rise sulphur dioxide (SO2) levels is associated with sudden burning of organic matter including human bodies… Check this out….for Western Consumption. People working under plastic tarps….yet the military is on dirty subways with recycled air and touching subway grab rails/polls with no gloves on. Subways use recycled air:
No one likes breathing in the recycled, stale air present on the city’s subway platforms and in subway cars, and Toronto Public Health is now recommending that measures be taken to improve subway air quality. … 5 in Toronto’s subway system warrant mitigation because “reductions would have health benefits for passengers.”Jan 6, 2020
Then look at these military guys in Wuhan with no gloves on in the dirty recycled subway air touching the subway grab poles and rails.
Complete joke.
If the virus was real, these soldiers would have to be quarantined for 2 weeks before being allowed back in to the military barracks and mess halls. If they did this…they would run out of soldiers in a week. What about all the Chinese police out in public….why are they not quarantined for 2 weeks before being allowed back at the Police Station.
We are told this virus can be asymptomatic for up to 2 weeks and can spread though your eyeballs.
WHO Chief Warns Virus ‘Super-Spreader’ In Europe Could Be “Spark That Becomes A Bigger Fire”by Tyler Durden
Mon, 02/10/2020 – 11:18
* * * Update (1100ET): According to China’s Global Times, Hong Kong has confirmed another 6 cases of nCoV, bringing its total yo 42.
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