Archive for September, 2017
The True Legacy of Hugh Hefner: The founder of American Immorality and the King of Filth
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Hugh Hefner, THE WAR ON GOD, The Way on September 28, 2017
Elvis Presley was the King of Rock and Roll, Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, BB King was the King of the Blues. Time Magazine called Hugh Hefner Hefner the “prophet of pop hedonism”
Introducing the King of Filth, The Prince of The Vile, The Prophet of Debauchery and The Emissary of Lucifer-
Meet Hugh Hefner
Why is the news media idolizing somebody who lived a life of filth? Because the news media is run by filth. That is why. Hugh lived in moral and physical squalor with animal feces and animal urine all over his carpets with nightly orgies in his den of debauchery. Literally his life became one of being just engrossed and filled both physically, intellectually, mentally, spiritually and morally with utter filth. Just look at the shell of a man he was.
Here is the dark truth about Hugh Hefner, child pornography, and Playboy. Hugh Hefner exploited children. One famous incident involving Playboy press was a magazine titled Sugar and Spice where a 10 year old Brook Shields was featured naked several times. Hugh Hefner died a free man, when he should have died in a jail cell for the crime of printing child pornography and the sexual exploitation of children.
Is it “extremely likely” the Playboy founder was silenced before he could name Hollywood elite pedophiles?
Was Hugh Hefner was suicided, with the death scene later arranged to resemble a natural death?
Leaving behind a legacy of sexual immorality, adultery, infidelity, debauchery and abject filth spanning decades, Hugh Hefner finally has met his maker. The world is a much better place now that he has been sent into eternity where his unrepentant soul will spend eternity in damnation for corrupting the minds of millions. So many, because of him, will never ever know or be able to see the true beauty, the true loving kindness and the true magic of a woman. They will instead see women through the tainted filthy lenses he has mass marketed and placed over the minds and eyes that can only now see women as mere sex objects and objects of pleasure.
Hugh ushered in the destruction of the divinely ordained institution of marriage and the fires of hell that have received Hugh Hefner could not burn hotter than they are burning today.

shameless high priest of darkness Hugh Hefner
Millions of children have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of divorce due to the fires of immorality and lust Hugh Hefner ignited with his putrification of the first amendment. Millions of men abandoned their families because of the seeds of satan that were sown by this putrid creep. Millions of children have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of poverty resulting from divorce from his Illuminati undertakings. Millions of women have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of domestic abuse, poverty and divorce because of this decrepid lunatic’s warped mind.
How many millions of men, women and children have turned to drugs and alcohol because of the destruction of their homelife that this douchebag glorified. Hugh Hefner turned his life over to satan over 50 years ago. Born to Christian parents, he abandoned the teachings of the Bible and proceeded to make millions leading millions away from its teachings. Like satan, Hugh Hefner corrupted young beautiful women which would in turn corrupt more and more young beautiful women that would ultimately corrupt the young and old men.
Mom and dad have not withstood this onslaught aided and abetted by the disgusting pedophiles that run the major media outlets. Scores of their henchmen and henchwomen glamorize his lewd and sacreligious accomplishments. Many of the media outlets today are immortalizing this human I will do no such thing.
Tens of millions men, women and children have had to suffer the heartwrenching affects of venerial disease that resulted in this filthy disgusting pig’s publishing company.
This my friends is The True Legacy of Hugh Hefner
Turning the sacred institution of marriage and replacing it with nightly orgies, this degenerate piece of trash opened the floodgates to adultery, divorce, poverty for millions of children and venerial disease.
This vile, disgusting, pathetic, demonic, satanic operative is finally dead and has been thrown head first into the lake of fire. He has finally been received by the powers of hell whom he has so faithfully served for over 50 years. No other man has proudly, and shamelessly done more damage to the moral fabric of a culture, a society, or civilization than Hugh Hefner has. He never once repented of his evil deeds, rather only mocking wholesome living and God’s plan for the family. So long you disgusting pig who lived in a filthy home full of animal feces and venerial disease.
Ironically, on the same day this vile disgusting pig of a man Hugh Hefner breathed his last, the Federal government announced that number of Americans diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis reached a record high in 2016 for the second year in a row, with more than 2 million cases reported and particularly high rates in his home state California, according to federal data.
The advent on the 1950’s brought a life in America that was an ideal one for wholesome families and raising happy and healthy children. This disgusting animal took it upon himself to poison the soil where the American dream had been planted after the war and was blossoming all over this blessed land from sea to shining sea. During this era, mothers stayed home, raised their children and families attended church, played together, ate together and prayed together. Hugh Hefner made it a practice to invite high level political and industry elite to his parties where the dirt would amass, the blackmail would ensue and the noose was cinched around all the corrupt necks so they would never turn on each other. Empires, dynasties, fortunes and political future were birthed in lavish orgies while families were splintered and children cried themselves to sleep for want of their departed parents that abandoned their paternal obligations.
The judicial, legislative and even religious foundations of our nation began to sink in the mire this degenerate bastard poured into the streets, onto the magazine racks and into the homes an onto the coffee tables of America. No longer was a woman treated with the great honor, dignity and respect that had long since accompanied her beauty. It was the beginning of the end of the age of innocence and decency for a culture and its children were no match for its advent. Today, our families are mere fragments of what our ancestors took for granted.
Anyone who bids Hugh Hefner to rest in peace, may I submit to you, that it is an absolute impossibility. There is no eternal rest for the wicked, only eternal torment.
May we return to what God has ordained and through our lives may we work to make it happen one person at a time. May we never succumb to the satanic pressure to conform to the whims and edicts of lucifer, nor his mindset or even his minions like Hugh Hefner did his entire earthly life. For what good doth it profit a man if gaineth the whole world and loseth his soul? Hugh Hefner has found out the hard way folks. Learn from the error of his ways, and not the ways of his error.
The ultimate killing machine: The legacy of Pat McKinley-Fullerton’s militarized police department
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on September 27, 2017

Ex Chief McKinley in the black hat next to his protege Hughes.
FULLERTON’S POLICE CHIEF MADE SURE FULLERTON GOT ALMOST 150 MACHINE GUNS FOR ITS POLICE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE LESO PROGRAM. This is the program that transfers military surplus equipment to local law enforcement.

McKinley always donning black.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, FORCED VACCINATIONS, Government sponsored terrorism on September 18, 2017
Remember back in 1988 when Shanghai Hepatitis A Cases exceeded 300,000 WITH ONLY 11 Deaths Reported in a 2-Month Epidemic That ‘Shocked’ China?
11 deaths per 300,000 cases? We have 16 deaths in 400 cases? China was and is a communist country and back then, squalor was the norm for many impoverished peasants and city dwellers.
What kind of superbug has been released into the San Diego and Los Angeles homeless population to set the stage for forced vaccination laws?
What lab did this strain come from? Why did it skip Orange County? Who is behind the staging of this act of murder?

‘We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies,’ said Epicyte San Diego president Mitch Hein.

When there is smoke ladies and gentlemen, there is fire. What is going on with the Hepatitis outbreak in San Diego? It is a staged outbreak that has been contrived to drive a vaccination agenda. It is working like a charm and tens of thousands have already taken the shots in the past few weeks.
We have been through this before. Remember THE DISNEYLAND MEASLES OUTBREAK WHICH WAS STAGED in order to pass a forced vaccination law SB 277?
Hepatitis can be spread like wildfire via the food or water supply and they know it. Of course this disease can be serious but most people who get the disease never even know it because they never manifest symptoms. Hepatitis A is a mild, self limiting disease, resolving on its own with no treatment in 4-8 weeks in most cases.
SB277, the forced vaccination law for children was birthed from the staged Disneyland Measles outbreak. As of yet they still have not managed to find a way to get the adults into the matrix with forced vaccinations until now. If you will notice, the coverage of this San Diego Hepatitis outbreak has been really vague and spotty with the same tag lines being repeated for months and no real details being released. All we hear is that the epidemic is expanding and people are dying.
This particular staged outbreak involves the 1B hepatitis strain. This genotype is rarely seen in the Americas but circulates in North Africa and the Middle East. This is just more evidence that this whole thing is staged. It appears to have been released into and ignited in the homeless populations. San Diego first, Los Angeles and now Salt Lake City. I believe it was probably initiated through intentionally contaminated donated water, food or even from intentionally contaminated vaccinations they have been given. We are being told nothing definitive as to when and where it actually began which is just what you expect from a staged outbreak.
This staged San Diego outbreak is the deadliest in decades. Let’s talk about the Hepatitis outbreaks that have taken place in the United States. Prior to this there were numerous outbreaks over the last 20 years. If you will notice, unlike this staged outbreak, these prior outbreaks were all linked to a source, had susbstantial numbers of infections and almost no deaths.
- Carl’s Jr. Hepatitis A Outbreak
- Chi-Chi’s Hepatitis A Outbreak
- Chipotle Grill Hepatitis A Outbreak
- D’Angelo’s Hepatitis A Outbreak
- Dixie Donuts Hepatitis A Exposure
- Friendly’s Hepatitis A Exposure
- Hooters and Whiskey Warehouse Hepatitis A Exposure
- Lone Star Steakhouse Hepatitis A Exposure
- Maple Lawn Dairy Hepatitis A Outbreak
- McDonald’s Hepatitis A Outbreak
- McDonald’s Hepatitis A Outbreak
- New Hawaii Sea Restaurant Hepatitis A Outbreak
- Quizno’s Hepatitis A Exposure
- Silver Grill Catering Hepatitis A Outbreak
- Subway Hepatitis A Outbreak
- Tom’s Gyro Restaurant Hepatitis A Exposure
- Townsend Farms organic frozen berries hepatitis A outbreak
The most widespread hepatitis A outbreak in the US was the 2003 United States hepatitis outbreak that afflicted at least 640 people (killing four) in northeastern Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania in late 2003 The outbreak was blamed on tainted green onions at a restaurant in Monaca, Pennsylvania.
Each year, approximately 180,000 hepatitis A infections occur each year in the United States resulting in approximately 100 deaths. This is a 0.00055 death rate
The Staged San Diego Outbreak involves 421 cases that have resulted in 16 deaths. Authorities have admitted to vaccinating more than 21,000 people this far. This is a 0.038 death rate.
This staged outbreak is far more deadly as it has a death rate of 3.8% How is it possible to have a death rate running at 6,900 percent over what we would expect? This staged epidemic is setting the stage for mass forced vaccinations.
THIS STAGED OUTBREAK IN SAN DIEGO HAS NOT BEEN TRACED TO A SPECIFIC CAUSE OR LOCATION AND IT HAS BEEN GOING FOR 5 MONTHS NOW. The list of those recommended to receive the Hep A and B vaccine has now been expanded to include the following occupational groups: fire; emergency; law enforcement personnel; food handlers; health care personnel and professionals; service workers working directly with the homeless population; individuals working directly in substance abuse treatment programs; and public transit workers. This list will soon be expanded and the word recommended will soon be replaced with “mandated”.
The push is on for vaccinations folks. The goal is to get everyone vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B even though most infections in young children are asymptomatic, is so mild that 90% of kids who get hepatitis A never even know it an most adults never know it either. Even the National Institutes of Health states that: “Most people who have Hepatitis A get well on their own after a few weeks.”
Normally, Hepatitis A rarely presents itself inducing life-threatening situations. Usually, By the time symptoms appear, the disease is no longer infectious. Unlike hepatitis B, Type A hepatitis disappears completely after acute infection, and does not contribute to chronic liver disease or to cirrhosis. It is important to note that after the patient recovers, he has lifetime immunity. True immunity.
Hepatitis A can be caused by both hepatitis B and hepatitis C vaccines! This fact is found in a disclaimer that GlaxoSmithKlein makes about Havrix, that it can’t cure the hepatitis caused by these other 2 vaccines as stated by the manufacturer on p 1545 of the 2002 PDR: a possible side effect of Havrix is hepatitis!
Now look what is being recommended on a wide scale basis. It is a combination vaccine that allegedly offers protection from both Hepatitis A and B called TWINRIX .
I am sure that another combo vaccine will emerge soon to be a more effective sterilant. After all, every vaccine on the market has the license to do just that-sterilize you.
The Hepatitis vaccine along with all the other vaccines have “……… not been evaluated for its carcinogenic potential, mutagenic potential, or potential for impairment of fertility.” This statement is printed on every vaccine insert in the country in section 13 of the vaccine insert.
One component of this combo vaccine is the Hepatitis B surface antigen. The Pre-S Protein-Containing Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigens combined with adjuvants make up the vaccine. We know that co-incubation of human spermatozoa with hepatitis B virus S protein, causes a significant loss of sperm mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), which reduces the sperm’s motility, and resulted in sperm death and diminished fertility.
Twinrix is the vaccine that is used to prevent Hepatitis A and and B. It is given in a series of 3 injections- 1 dose followed by 2 more doses at 1 month and 6 months. It can also be given in 4 doses, with the initial dose followed by doses at 7 days, 21 to 30 days, and 12 months.
We know that in order to sterilize anyone, such as was done with the Tetanus shots in Kenya, multiple doses were required 6 months apart.
We must call them out on this in order to stave off a massive staged epidemic just as we did when we called them out on their attempts to stage a St Louis Encenphalitis outbreak in Orange County as a justification to do aerial spraying.
Ladies and gentlemen, what I believe we are witnessing here is the beginning of a sterilzation agenda aimed not only at children but also adults. It will be a matter of time before this vaccine becomes a condition of employment to anyone who works with food, water, or even the public.
Legislative enactment will swiftly follow this staged epidemic just as it did with the Disneyland staged measles outbreak. Forced vaccinations are coming only for those who refuse. Most people will roll up their sleeves willingly as they have already done with their children. The time is now to prepare, get informed and get ready to stand your ground. The line in the sand has been drawn. Can we make this any clearer?
Joe Imbriano 9-18-17
Why do the police and media intentionally leave out vital information about identifying suspects involved in Fullerton robberies and assualts?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Public safety is becoming an oxymoron on September 14, 2017

Does the Register’s opinion editor Brian Calle have an opinion on endangering the community with The Political Correctness of the Ragister?
We have violent armed robbers running loose in Sunny Hills and FPD is putting the public at risk by failing to properly disclose an accurate description of the suspects. I initially called the FPD to get a description of the suspects. I was told by desk officer that there were 2 black males and 1 black female suspects involved in the armed home invasion roberry. I then went to seek the FPD press release to see what the official pronouncement was concerning the event. The press release states there 2 males and 1 black female. This differs from what I was told by the officer at the department. Another source that went to the station today also confirmed that all three suspects were black.

FPD’s Public Information Officer Jon Radus on the left with former Chief Dan Hughes
Why is the press release different? The public has a right to know for their own safety. This is not only problematic for the public but also for the police. A full description of the suspects should always be released and never withheld especially when they are armed and dangerous, still on the loose and prey on the most vulnerable people of all-senior citizens.
Calls to Sgt Radus have not been returned while an email from him revealed the following:
Now as far as the media reporting of this event it gets even worse. The Register reported the following on 8-25 in the morning:
“On Thursday, August 24th, 2017 at approximately 11:10 PM, Fullerton Police Officers responded to a residence in the 100 block of West Las Palmas regarding a possible home invasion robbery that had just occurred.
Upon arrival, Officers determined that the residence is actually a live-in Elderly Care Facility. Inside the Care facility at the time were two female Care Givers and four elderly patients, who were sleeping, in their nineties.
Further investigation revealed that just a few minutes prior to Officers’ arrival, the Care Givers heard a knock at the front door of the Care Facility/Residence and saw that there was black female at the door. Believing that it could have been a late night delivery, one of the Care Givers opened the door.
Immediately upon opening door, two male suspects, both of whom were approximately 6’1” tall and thin, emerged. One of the males was armed with a black handgun. The other male was armed with a shot gun. The two males and the black female entered the Care Facility/Residence and ordered the two care givers to the ground at gun point.
The suspects then began looking for items of value in the residence and then stole one of the Care Givers cars”
Now later in the day, towards the evening, The Register whitewashed the subject descriptions even further by removing any racial description of the criminals-
“….two men in white masks appeared behind the woman – one with a shotgun and the other with a handgun, said Sgt. Jon Radus of the Fullerton Police Department.”
Ok so who are we to be on the lookout for? First of all I did confirm in speaking with the desk officer on duty that all three suspects were black, two black men and one black woman. In addition, credible sources to the Fullerton Informer went to the board and care home the following day and spoke with the caregiver that was present during the armed home invasion robbery. The person described the three suspects as two black men and one black woman.
So why is the Fullerton Police department hiding vital information regarding the descriptions of the suspects? How are we as neighbors and residents supposed to be vigilant when all we are told to keep a look out for is 2 men and a woman?
This is PC correctness to the extreme where it is not only foolish and silly but potentially dangerous to the public. They release the color of the car but not the suspects? It was confirmed that the suspects were two young black males and one black female. They would rather go along with the pressure of PC correctness than protect and defend the honest public. Its bad enough that we have to pay millions and millions for the police department’s criminal behavior that we end up picking up the tab for but when the police cannot even report correctly to the public, it is just another insult. Isn’t it about time the innocent people in our community are considered first and foremost and not the criminals or the crooked cops.
It’s just shameful and could be extremely harmful to the people in that neighborhood to withhold key information that could be used to keep others safe. I don’t know about you but when I have strange people coming to the door, I don’t open my doors to strangers but most people do.
Why is the Fullerton Police department refusing to properly disclose the most important thing about the crime, an adequate and accurate description of the perpetrators? The police department and the media have a responsibility to give the public a complete description of the suspects. By intentionally leaving that out, they are potentially putting the residents at risk of greater harm.
As far as the Register goes, this not not only makes the story useless, but it also makes the story dangerous. Why does the media and the Fullerton police department intentionally leave out vital information about identifying suspects involved in a Fullerton home invasion armed robbery? How about the stabbing yesterday? When you leave that information out, you basically make the story useless to the public and once again dangerous. When people are not warned to be on the lookout for the specifics such as racial description, sex, build, height and clothing, they can be of no use in aiding law enforcement’s apprehension of the the criminals.
Yesterday there was a stabbing on Commonwealth and Cornell. A man was attacked and stabbed from behind multiple times by 2 strangers. The statement from the Fullerton police department that was done in a video interview conducted by Jon Radus advised the public that “the suspects were reported to be two male Hispanics in their early 20’s. ”
Here is what the Register reported yesterday:
“About 10:35 a.m., a man in his 30s said he was crossing at the corner of North Cornell Avenue and East Commonwealth Avenue when two men came up from behind and stabbed him twice in the torso, police Lt. Robert Bastreri said. The two men, who appeared to be in their 20s, then ran off, Bastreri said, adding the victim was not robbed or acquainted with the assailants. An investigation into the stabbing is under way. It doesn’t appear the attack is gang-related, Sgt. Jon Radus said. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact Fullerton police Sgt. Matt Rowe 714-738-6776”
Once again, the politically correct Register puts the community at risk and protects the criminals by withholding vital information from the public. What is their motivation? We their motivations certainly do not have the interests or safety of this community in mind.
When someone robs, kills, stabs, rapes, murders, assaults, or whatever, and a crime has been confirmed to have taken place, an investigation begins. That must involve releasing as much information about the bastards that pulled it off as soon as possible so the other 139,876 residents of this community can help the 120 police officers that are supposed to be looking for these scum bags help lock them up and get them off the streets.
Here are some final comments from The FPD’s Jon Radus in his email to me regarding the stabbing yesterday:
“This is an active, on-going investigation. The information we release takes into account that our investigators are actively working the case and while I understand you may want to have more information, in many cases the release of that information to the public may hamper our ability to not only conduct our investigation, but also come to a successful resolution with an arrest. When the time comes that we are seeking the public’s help in locating an individual, then of course we will release all necessary information that the public would need in order to help us locate that particular suspect. If there is ever a time that, based on our investigation, we believe the public is at risk and needs to know a suspect description, then of course we would release the suspect description at that time as well.”
Well there you have it folks. That is complete BS. You never hide the description of a wanted man or woman EVER! Common sense out the window for 251 thousand dollars a year. When a tiger gets out of the zoo and is roaming the streets of a residential neighborhood, we can’t let anyone know its description until it eats a child, I mean until we believe the public is at risk. Every damn violent crime puts the public at risk!
What good are descriptions that give no identifying information? What good are news sources that purposely withhold suspect descriptions? What good is a police department that holds back, or omits complete suspect descriptions?
Maybe you will be asking these and other hard questions when one of these thugs that have no regard for the law kick your door in, and murder or rape your wife, mother or daughter. You see these thugs are not politically correct and the more they realize the media and the police are, the more brazen these monsters will become.
Let’s hope the FPD can get with the program and work with the community instead of conducting its operations cloaked in secrecy. Let’s hope the gerbels at the Register can get some psychiatric treatment soon before the entire building on Grand Avenue in Santa Ana becomes a homeless shelter. Until then, stay safe Fullerton and stay vigilant because for the most part you are all still by the looks of things, on your own.
Children in harms way, and why people need to pay attention to what Barry Levinson has been saying about the corrupt city officials who repealed the Fullerton sex offender ordinance
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Pedophile protectors on the Fullerton City Council on September 11, 2017
Transient roamed onto school scaring children during pick up –
Another unwanted, unwelcomed transient who appeared very inebriated or mentally unstable set foot on campus screaming at the children that he had a taser and was part of Fullerton PD. Teachers and principals lead him off campus and called the police who arrived quickly as he was walking along the middle of Laguna Road holding an object and profusely drooling. He ran off and they chased him, didn’t see how it ended but pretty sure they got a handle. So scary.
Kim Wyse, ·
Angela Jones, ·
Melody Tice, ·
Mike Pippin, ·
Mrs. Lee, ·
Ann Stoddard, ·
Angela Jones, ·
Tuan Phung, ·
Tuan Phung, ·
Melody Tice, ·
Mike Pippin, ·
Melody Tice, ·
Mike Pippin, ·New
Weather warfare over Fullerton California
Posted by Joe Imbriano in AERIAL POISONING, Agenda 21 on September 10, 2017