Archive for August, 2016
In My Continuing Series Concerning Our Upcoming November Fullerton City Election, I Lay Out Some Of The Parameters Fullertonians Should Consider Before Voting For The Next 3 Council Members.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Fullerton politics, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 27, 2016

Barry Levinson
In This Context, I Also Discuss The Major Issues That Faced Fullertonians In My Last Run For City Council And How Those That Were Elected Did Not Meet The Needs Of Our Citizens. By Barry Levinson
Joe Imbriano on MJ Noor and on Wireless at Troy and The FJUHSD
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 27, 2016
Joe Imbriano addressing the Fullerton planning commission 5-25-16 on the mixed use overlay vote to try to ruin Fullerton making it easier to put in high density housing
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 26, 2016
Joe Imbriano calling out the Orange County vector control on aerial poisoning and on eugenics
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 26, 2016
Joe Imbriano calling out the hacks on the planning commission 5-25-16 on the DCCSP and Mayan Johnson’s conflict of interest Watch the head of the Fullerton Planning commissioner Kathleen Shanfeld try to shut me up as I call out Mayan Johnson. What a pathetic tool claiming discussing a SCAG operative on the commission is not directly related to the planning commissions purview. All of the Fullerton city
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 26, 2016
Joe Imbriano 4-27-16 addressing the planning commission on the mixed-use residential/commercial development on 600 West Commonwealth Avenue and 628 West Williamson Avenue
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 26, 2016
Some of the last words of Pam McKeon “Our Fight!”
Posted by Joe Imbriano in AERIAL POISONING, Agenda 21, Eugenics, The twighlight's last gleaming on August 20, 2016
“Our Fight!”
“When people say why bother? that’s not going to work, they own us, you are doing it wrong, evil is winning, too many sheep, too many shills and trolls,
your voice means nothing, you are wasting your time and money; I simply just think baseball practice, unless we keep showing up with everything we have …even foul balls, strike outs, and bench warmers, they will think they won and that is not going to happen..eventually we will have some hits, some runs, and home runs and knock it out of the park and I can hear the crowds already cheering for our league!”
“Were’re not bugged nor or are we protestors! We are deeply concerned Citizens! MSM never can really get it…always slanted ….but they do have a comments section on this…:-)”
Pam McKeon
Pam got it folks and if you really analyze what she wrote, she was on the ragged edge of calling you all out to take this thing to the next level. Quite frankly, we are already at the next level. As I stated at the Vector control board meeting, this is an agenda. They already have full categorical exemptions to spray and inject us with whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want, and in whatever quantity they want. Board approval and justifications are a mere formality to keep us passified and at bay. They will pull the trigger on this very soon unless we “knock it out of the park” in Pam’s words. The Hour is late folks. It is late indeed.
The quotes above were posted by her just hours before her death in a tragic car accident and not long after leaving a vector control board meeting fighting for all of us against being sprayed. While Fullerton board member Fullerton’s Jan Flory began the meeting disgustingly and intentionally wasting 20 minutes of the beginning of the meeting splitting hairs over a fiscal issue that wasn’t even relevant while at the same time repeatedly refusing to vote for similar oversight as a council member in Fullerton, Pam stood patiently holding her sign against the wall next to me while Jan Flory continued to drag out a meaningless discussion that took up more time than it would have giving the 30 speakers their 90 seconds back that was so wrongly taken away by the creep running the meeting.
While Jan Flory kept rambling and ignoring how 30 people showed up to speak and had their time cut in half, Pam stood there just holding the sign while many board members played with their phones.
While many board members ignored the science repeatedly presented, Pam just stood their with her sign.
While not one board member objected to putting public comments to the end of the meeting, Pam just stood there with her sign,
While one board member threatened to change her mind to vote to spray us because of the demeanor of some of the attendees, Pam just stood there and held her sign.
While Jan Flory continued to play on her phone and ignore the comments and information presented, Pam continued to hold up her sign.
While some board members walked out of the room while people were making impassioned pleas to spare the poisoning of their property and their children, Pam just stood there holding her sign.
While the Register reporters always attempt to marginalize those who fight evil corrupt unelected officials, Pam made the paper holding her sign and even calling them out on what they were doing.
I knew Pam for years and our paths crossed many times all the way from the State Capital to the neighborhood meetings and rallies against the forced vaccination and forced spraying agendas. You never know just how evil and dangerous tyrannical government polices and bureaucrats are until they harm, ruin or kill your own child, and it is only then that you will understand that there is more to life than the ball game or a sale at Nordstrom. We all have a duty to look out for the defenseless against the onslaught. These un elected bureaucrats are not our friends ladies and gentlemen. READ BETWEEN THE LINES OF WHAT PAM WAS SAYING!
Yes spending decades in the trenches, a long time health freedom fighter, parental rights advocate and dedicated informed consent supporting mother Pam Mckeon died from injuries sustained in a car accident. We can pause and remember her efforts and I am sure many of you remember her from all the events. The fight goes on because our enemies never rest. I am sure Pam would want it that way folks. May God have mercy on all of us to whom much is and has been given BECAUSE MUCH IS REQUIRED. Pam is gone and the show must go on without her. May it go on even stronger and longer as her efforts and her memory serve as an inspiration to us all in the long days ahead. The best is yet to come in this fight for us all, the fight Pam Mckeon called:
Joe Imbriano addressing The Fullerton City Council on records retention
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 19, 2016
Joe Imbriano on Vector Control’s plans to spray pesticides all over OC
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 19, 2016
Problem reaction solution: DDT mass application, polio and forced vaccination
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Are they turning their backs on the children?, forced sterilization, forced sterilization of school children, FORCED VACCINATIONS, SB 277, The twighlight's last gleaming on August 14, 2016
Its the oldest trick in the book used by the elite to control their subjects. They first come in peace ostensibly to protect us while in cloak and dagger fashion, they are really intentionally creating a problem. Then they invent the solution to the problem that fits their agenda. Then they invent the solution that they want. Then finally, they ram the solution down your eyes, ears, nose and throats on the TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet and then right into your respiratory tract as an inhalable, sublingual or into your bloodstreams as an injectable. This is all done with the willing complicity of room temperature IQ elected lackeys, servile, myopic public employees, highly trained specialists in government, academia, law, psychology, sociology, and of course, their whitecoated agents in allopathic petrochemical poision pushing, the doctors and nurses. Folks you remember the Mercurochrome in your parents medicine cabinet that consisted of a 3% mercury solution that they put on open wounds? How about the Lead Arsenate that your parents would dust onto their vegetable gardens, lawns and foilage?
How about the DDT they sprayed all over everything including your parent’s sandwiches, our soldiers bodies, our wall paper in our homes and every other square nanometer of surface area in existence just to keep us safe. Folks this scam laid the groundwork for the forced vaccination programs of our Nation during what they would have you believe were our “Happy Days” which were in reality the beginning of our “Dark Nights” that continue to this day. Yes even cancer viruses ended up in these so called “vaccines”. Now the sterilants and heading into your pubescent junior high students as you will see in the article below the video.
If this eight minute clip doesn’t make you think then just email me your ip address and I can spare you the pain and block you from the site. Otherwise, if you really care about the truth, join me in stopping the final phases of the largest cull currently underway in human history-forced vaccination and forced wireless exposure. When you are done watching the video, if you decide to open your eyes, read the article below it to see the big picture and deal with reality.
Fast and Furious, fast tracking SB 277, forced sterilization and the death of Paul Walker
Joe Imbriano calling out the Fullerton planning commission on the mixed use overlay scam to rezone more property for big developers
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 13, 2016
Joe Imbriano on the College Town development scam and calling out the sellouts on the planning commission
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 12, 2016
Fullerton’s corrupt city government tried to pass COLLEGE TOWN-a plan to close a freeway offramp, put in ten story buildings, 4000 apartments, bulldoze Big Lots, Smart and Final, the 99 cent store, leave East Fullerton with no grocery stores and they expect us to take this laying down? The planning commission tried to pass the DCCSP a few years ago that would have lined thousands of acres with high rise housing. We stopped that too. Joe Imbriano 4 City Council in November.
I promise to take that thing back from the clutches of those who are holding it hostage for developers and give Fullertonians something to celebrate 7 days a week.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, The Fox Theater on August 12, 2016
Legendary performances live on, Legendary performers need a venue. The Fullerton Fox is that venue in the hands of the right people. When elected to the Fullerton City Council, I promise to take that thing back from the clutches of those who are holding it hostage for developers and give Fullertonians something to celebrate 7 days a week.
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