Archive for July, 2015



Barry Levinson


It is more than 15 months until the November 2016 elections, yet it is clear that the political establishment is already making its move to make sure that those that play ball get on the political team.

No one who has run for city council in Fullerton has been and will continue to be more outspoken on all the issues that will impact the citizens of Fullerton than myself. I do not need to talk with political advisors or worry whether a particular position will do me more political good than harm. I could care less, because to much is at stake and it starts at the grass roots level in local towns and cities like my city of Fullerton.  Read the rest of this entry »




It took 9 long painstaking months to form this child in the womb, and it took years of sleepless nights with doctor visits and emergency room scares just to get him to become a little boy, and years of long workweeks to put food on the table and a roof over his head so he could become a man, all to be snuffed out by some bloodthirsty demonic cop. I don’t care what color this child’s skin was, what kind of upbringing he had, what his taste in music was, what tattoos he sported or what he ate or drank. HIS BLOOD WAS JUST AS RED AS ALL OF OUR OWN.


Why do we teach children in junior and high school a bunch of worthless bullshit 16th century poetry, revisionist history that turns out a slave mentality, balkanizing ethnic studies, bogus intelligence insulting science and worthless mind bending math that they will never use and purposely omit the most important lessons of all-their rights and remedies as Americans, their civic responsibilities, and how to deal with and engage the police.

Maybe your own denial will force you to comfortably sit back and blame the underprivileged youth, their parents, the gangs,drug dealers or the movie industry. You can blame whatever you want because your children will be next.

All it takes is one wrong move and every hope and dream you as parents have ever amassed will be wiped clean in an instant and it will all be covered up and cleaned up on your taxpayer dime. Truth be told the blood is on all of our hands ladies and gentlemen because we have allowed the cops have their bill of rights (POBAR) which happens to be trumping our very own.

Yes the pulpits in the phony worthless churches are silent, the secular humanist schools are complicit, local elected bodies go along for the ride with zippers over their forked tongue mouths and the government is slowly turning against its own with it now being right out in the open as they takes millions of our tax dollars to pay the clean up charges to get all of innocent blood shed all over the street running down the gutters up off the ground. When will it all end?

Ladies and gentlemen, like I have publicly stated before on record, there exist three remedies as an American and they are as follows in this order:

First there is the soap box, which is our right to grandstand in order to disseminate the need and urgency for reforms through the peaceful exercise of our First Amendment protected speech, the right to assemble and have access to and utilize a free press.

When that is not successful, we must resort to the ballot box. Whether it be through the initiative process, elections, recalls or legislative enactment, this is the second peaceful way to enact much needed change to further the interests in protecting and safeguarding liberty at large and the furtherance of a peaceful society.

As a last resort, when all other peaceful measures fail and have been exhausted, it will eventually come down to the cartridge box as it is incumbent upon all Americans  to water the tree of liberty with their very own blood and that of other patriots. Yes, we have been bequeathed with a remedy unlike any anywhere else on earth- The second amendment.

As we are now in a state of militarized police, with military personnel being deployed on the streets with the psychological and media conditioning through operation Jade Helm 2015, you all need to realize that what they are gearing up for is what comprised our founding fathers’ worst fears.

May this child’s blood not have been shed in vain but rather on this July 15. 2015, may you take the time to educate your children on how to deal with the police, how to navigate and participate in our cherished civic processes, how to effect sound public policy, how to select and elect principled leaders, and how to undo wrongs that need to be righted through the legal democratic processes so that we may never have to stoop to the level of the demonic cold blooded thugs such as what you are about to see right below in this video.



 LEWIS Read the rest of this entry »



Some Straight Talk About Our Current Situation and How it Relates to Our 4th of July Celebrations. by Barry Levinson

The City of Fullerton Celebrates the 4th of July in Grand Style.

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Yesterday my family attended the City of Fullerton’s celebration of the 4th of July with games for the kids and food and music for all to enjoy. As always the fireworks show accompanied by music was a roaring success.  

The Park and Recreation Department takes the lead in ensuring a great event and congratulations should be given to all those Park and Recreation employees who worked hard both prior to and at the celebration. Also I would like to thank Hugo Curiel, the Director of the Fullerton Parks and Recreation Department for a job well done.  Read the rest of this entry »


North Korea on the Fourth Of July

So here we are 240 years after Independence from England and enslaved to a system deeper than our ancestral counter parts ever were. Granted some of you may have a few more zeros in the bank accounts that can be wiped clean overnight than others, but at least back then, their minds and their children were their own. So where are we really? There is little to celebrate on this Independence day when on the heels of forced vaccinations:

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Fullerton’s ex 65th Assembly so-called conservative Young Kim who voted yes on SB 277-forced vaccinations, yes on AB 57-fast tracking cell towers in residential neighborhoods, and who was absent from her committee vote on a bill that would require an parental opt-in for Planned Parenthood’s kinky sex ed programs.

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Barry Levinson on Common Core

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

To All OCBE Trustee Members: July 1, 2015

Last night at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in North Fullerton, Dr. Bidell spoke to a group of about 100 people. Every one of them was against Common Core for many very valid reasons as follows: For its reliance on computer testing, for its lack of parental access to those computers and what their kids are learning, to the attack on family privacy and the dumbing down of our children with new methods that have not been tested.

I asked Dr. Bidell would he vote with his two colleagues to sue the state over Common Core. He would not give me a direct answer. Then Read the rest of this entry »


Press Release: SB277 Referendum Filed by Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly

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Today, Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly Filed papers to qualify a Referendum against SB277, the bill forcing the vaccination of every child, who wishes to attend public or private school in California. Former Assemblyman Donnelly stated, “This referendum is not about vaccinations; it is about defending the fundamental freedom of a parent to make an informed decisions for their children without being unduly penalized by a government that believes it knows best.” See Referendum Petition: California enjoys one of the highest vaccination rates in the country, and until recently respected the right of individuals for personal or religious reasons to opt out of some or all vaccinations.  When Governor Jerry Brown signed SB277, he deprived every Californians of that choice should they wish to send their children to a private or public school.  For the vast majority, this is not an issue, but for those who are concerned about the inherent risks of an ever increasing schedule of vaccinations, or who themselves or their children have suffered severe reactions, up to and including death, having the freedom to opt out is everything. Now, that freedom is subject to the arbitrary control and subjective determination of a doctor and the government, instead of the parent.  By referencing SB277, we intend to work with every individual and group willing to collect the signatures necessary to place it on the 2016 ballot and allow all Californians to decide.
Contact:  Tim Donnelly or Lauren Stephens Phone: 760-933-8460 or email: FaceBook: Twitter:  @SB277referendum PO Box 1170, Sanger, CA 93657


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