Archive for October, 2013


Torlakson and Silva just couldn't do the right thing.

Torlakson and Silva just couldn’t do the right thing so they just had the stool pigeon write the apology.

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Press Release

California State of Education Event Attendees Get Surprise Message from Fullerton Group

Source: The Fullerton Informer Dated: Oct. 23, 2013
FULLERTON, Calif. — A small group and a large sign greeted State Superintendent Tom Torlakson, as well as the local and state education officials at an event held at Troy High School to discuss the current and future state of education in California. The message read as follows: “What are the long term health consequences of wireless devices in the classroom? Cancer, Infertility, ADHD?”
The state has been aggressively moving forward on one to one technology plans, an iPad or tablet in every student’s hand. The amount of wireless radiation in this environment is unprecedented and has been likened to an extreme form of forced irradiation of school children.
According to research, health issues identified to wireless radiation emissions include: ADHD, autism, infertility, DNA damage to human sperm, childhood leukemia, neurological and cardiovascular problems, cognitive dysfunction, pain, fatigue, mood disorders, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and skin problems. Research also suggests damage to the female ovum. This is new information to most parents and the general public.
Over the past several months, a Fullerton California group has presented the known health issues numerous times to both Fullerton School District (K-8) and Fullerton Joint Union High School District school boards.
The boards have remained silent on the health concerns and continue to press on with the technology plans. The group is calling for an immediate moratorium on wireless classrooms until it can be proven that the radiation emitted is safe for the children. Until that time, the group is saying that wired technology must be used.
The Fullerton group for wired technology in schools can be reached via the “contact us” tab at http//

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