These school bonds all told have topped over a billion dollars over the last 20 years and enough is enough! We now all have 2nd, 3rd and 4th mortgages because of these things.
Interest rates are not coming down any time soon either. This is just insane. Enough. Is enough. This is a form of corporate welfare for the teacher’s union. For decades these districts have deferred maintenance and catered to the teachers union salary and benefits demands.The goal of these bonds is designed to support the job’s program while ignoring all the maintenance that has been deferred for decades, so they can have extravagant benefits and inflated pay. Staff members use degree mills whose tuitions are paid for with tax money to spike the salaries and pension packages while the facilities literally fall apart. I’ve documented this all over publicly for many years.This also another form of welfare for the people who don’t even live in the district who send their children here because their districts have devolved into such a disaster. Let me tell you the hard truth and the dirty secret about this. The fact is FULLERTON ENROLLMENT IS WAY DOWN. In the real world, they would shut some of these schools down and sell them off so we could build more homes and public parks like other cities and districts have done. Instead the Fullerton school district and the Fullerton joint Union high school districts are actively advertising all over Orange County on radio stations, in print media and online and yes in foreign languages promoting free lunches and before and day care actively recruiting students to be bussed in or transferred in from other districts so they can maintain enrollment and staffing levels and keep the jobs program going for themselves at our expense. Shall we talk about the traffic congestion this is causing as well as the wear and tear on our third world roads? Can you guess which schools have upwards of 70 percent students enrollment who dont live in the district?.Like I said enough is enough.
Interest rates are not coming down any time soon either. This is just insane. Enough. Is enough. This is a form of corporate welfare for the teacher’s union. For decades these districts have deferred maintenance and catered to the teachers union salary and benefits demands.The goal of these bonds is designed to support the job’s program while ignoring all the maintenance that has been deferred for decades, so they can have extravagant benefits and inflated pay. Staff members use degree mills whose tuitions are paid for with tax money to spike the salaries and pension packages while the facilities literally fall apart. I’ve documented this all over publicly for many years.This also another form of welfare for the people who don’t even live in the district who send their children here because their districts have devolved into such a disaster. Let me tell you the hard truth and the dirty secret about this. The fact is FULLERTON ENROLLMENT IS WAY DOWN. In the real world, they would shut some of these schools down and sell them off so we could build more homes and public parks like other cities and districts have done. Instead the Fullerton school district and the Fullerton joint Union high school districts are actively advertising all over Orange County on radio stations, in print media and online and yes in foreign languages promoting free lunches and before and day care actively recruiting students to be bussed in or transferred in from other districts so they can maintain enrollment and staffing levels and keep the jobs program going for themselves at our expense. Shall we talk about the traffic congestion this is causing as well as the wear and tear on our third world roads? Can you guess which schools have upwards of 70 percent students enrollment who dont live in the district?.Like I said enough is enough.
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