They are coming for you and the they is YOU

  1. #1 by Anonymous on September 13, 2018 - 7:46 am

    The great wall of Mexico should have been built 40 years ago at least. Now they are here!!!! The wall is designed to keep the illegal alien in. “Cheap” labor where the worker does not pay taxes, uses the system and lives here for 10 or 20 years under false identities is allowed to take place for one simple reason. It is a tool to destroy the country. Then when they have been here long enough to retire, they can cry foul and be paid Social Security they are not entitled to. Most will become citizens not learning the language for the most part, not knowing the constitution or history for the most part, and being rewarded for doing things cheap. The “south of the border” worker is here and allowed to flourish because they are cheap. Most have not paid taxes nor do they have insurance. It is a supreme disadvantage to compete when they don’t have to add a labor burden of about 35% of the wages and become legitimate. Legitimate business have been systematically destroyed over the past 30 years due to this practice.

    America is a LIE!!! It is the last chapter of the mystery babylon created by the synagogues of satan and their jesuit/masonic puppets. False flags and the subsequent sabre rattling that produces the blood ritual wars are fought by the cannon fodder who believe in the LIE under the false guise of patriotism. What are people fighting for? The American way? A system where the taxpayer is put in debt to allow sodomy, abortion, the building of DUMBs to house the elite, pay for chemtrails and fluoride in water to stop ascension and destruction of the true Temple which is the body, fund 33rd degree masonic preachers who don’t follow John 6:53 nor perform baptisms that leave the Christian an “empty shell” that are ashamed to proclaim the gospel and become part of the erosion of conformity?

    Mainstream Christianity is controlled by 33rd degree masons. Trump’s “ideal” preacher was Norman Vincent Peale who was a 33rd degree mason. Billy Graham was a 33rd degree mason. They are luciferians!!!!!!! They are using islam as a tool for the destruction of Christianity. Here……….read this article on Robert Schuller and see what is at work.

    The system is “roman”. Their eternal city is rome which is the whore of babylon that sits on seven hills. Nowhere in the Holy Bible is rome the seat of government of Hashem. It is Jerusalem. The first schism was the RCC with the Eastern Orthodox Church on the ritual date of 16 Jul 1054AD. 12 days before a supernova appeared in the sky on the future birthday of the US on 04 Jul 1054AD. The “whole” point was to destroy the roots of Christianity, highjack the religion and replace it with an apollo/apollyon false sungod son of zeus worship system. Where was the outrage when the mongols came? Where was the “real” outrage when the islamic groups raped and pillaged Middle East? The crusades were shams. A muslim temple sits on the holiest ground on earth on the Temple Mount for over 1300 years and everybody is OK with that? Right….. That is like eating chicken shit in a container labelled chicken salad and calling it good.

    The luciferians created nuclear weapons. The first successful test was on the same day as the first schism. 16 Jul 1945 was the day. A ritual 1054 tests to celebrate the first major schism was in the program. There were 216 above ground blasts in the Pacific atolls and the US Southwest that went up into the upper atmosphere and the fallout was carried over the major population centers by the jet stream and prevailing westerlies. Cancer rates have skyrocketed since the 1940s. This is why!!!!!216 = 6x6x6. The end of the program was on the ritual date of 23 Sept 1992. (23 Sept is the virgin birthday) Exactly 23 years later the poser pope false prophet meets the coming antichrist barack obama on 23 Sept 2015. It is the 266th day and francis is the 266th poser pope. 1992 – 1776 = 216 years. People are being led over the cliff by the pied pipers.

    Where is the outrage for the islamic temple on the most holy ground? It is a ruse because it is part of the design to destroy anything that is of the real “Truth” of Yeshua and the Judeo-Christina roots. The dark cabal has the khazarian talmuds at the helm with their dream of a sun worship city in astana (reformed word of satana) kazakhstan (kazakh satan) . You simply can’t make this up.

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