This is a re post of an article originally published on 9-23- 2013-it is more relevant today than ever
The Fullerton Informer got a load of the 21st century learning’s Trojan horse microwave matrix common core sales pitch over at the N.U.F.F. meeting at the Fullerton library the other night. Dr. George Giokaris and Dr. Bob Pletka both tried to serve it straight up on the rocks. All this talk about reinventing the public educational wheel that has failed this country beyond description over the course of the last 40 years or so really got me to thinking. Have the terms privacy, critical thinking and education all become mutually exclusive?
Is this all for the new highly skilled work force economy?
Everyone needs a wireless device. Even the guy picking the vegetables in the fields.
You see the highly skilled workforce will save us from all of the jobs that our treasonous trade deals have shipped overseas that are never coming back.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from all of the layoffs due to robotics, automation and technological advances.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from the ever expanding national debt that is never ever going to be paid back based on the way our currency is issued.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from all of the low cost highly skilled labor being brought in from all over the world under the H-1B visa programs that are taking the skilled jobs from highly skilled college grads with six figure tuition debt.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from the Pan American Union and the soon to be open borders flooding the US with dirt cheap labor.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from our civic responsibilities by simply allowing us and our children to abdicate them by obeying the glowing blue screens everywhere. This insures unfettered continuity of present and future government trade and economic policies that have bestowed the looming bankruptcy proceedings upon this nation.
The highly skilled work force will save us from having to think critically. All thought will be relegated to a voice on a tablet in a two dimensional list verification method yielding a pre-determined result.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from the dwindling number of jobs that are already taken by normal people who don’t need to be highly skilled.
You see the highly skilled workforce will save us from our civic responsibilities by simply complying with the masters’ edicts coming from the glowing blue screens.
You see the highly skilled work force will save us from just about everything including the fact that we won’t be needing all of these people very soon by the highly skilled work force not being able to have any kids of their own due the EMF exposure to their reproductive areas while getting their 21st Century learning in a wireless classroom environment under their belts to become that highly skilled work force.
Common core is all about destroying your children’s ability to think critically so those that have been educated abroad will get into all the colleges. Then once educated with your tax dollars, they bring their slave, statist and servile mentalities into the public square, the voting booth, the workplace, the research institutions, the medical facilities, the police departments, the courtrooms and even the pulpits to be the windup toys the elite could never turn able bodied free thinkers like you and I into.
You think common core is all about the money? They print the money out of thin air folks.
Common core is all about an agenda, a massive unprecedented social engineering, Fascist, Marxist, eugenics agenda.
Common core is all about getting your children under their thumb into the global hive of worker bee statist slaves.
Common core is all about making the educational system and its agents superior to the family structure because you will no longer, as parents, be able to help them with their homework or learn. This is because you cannot figure out the answers to the problems. Only the teachers will be able to educate the children because they have the secret decoder rings to the bass ackwards assignment questions that come home nightly to institute another homework meltdown session after dinner with the infertility Pad in their lap.
Common core is all about separating and tracking all of the children that can excel with the mind bending problems and exercises that require intellectual reverse engineering. They know that these children think differently than the rest of us and are the ones who will fill the jack boots in industry, government, media, entertainment, law, medicine and of course eugenics.
Common core destroys independence and individualism by the Marxist curriculum.
Common core destroys independent thinking by forcing peer inclusion over resisting what is instinctively incorrect.
Common core destroys critical thinking by derailing the natural proclivities and processes associated with the paths of common sense and path of least resistance learning, instead inserting counter intuitive problem solving processes to arrive at forgone conclusions diametrically opposed to what were were designed by God to instinctively embody.
Common core is an amoral, academic race to the bottom aimed at a nation of children that once had the hope of upward mobility as well as civic involvement.
Common core incrementally, through successive approximation, using Marxist and socialist themes and techniques, subtly and in some cases, overtly redefines what it means to be human, independent, unique, an individual, what it once meant to be free, what it once meant to have confidence and clarity, and what it used to mean to be sovereign.
Common core forces mob rule on morality at circle time in class everyday.
Common core just relegates the bright, creative, normal children to the ash heap of mediocrity, depression and failure as a result of checking out of what used to be normal learning exercises which is now a windfall for the pharmaceutical industry with all of the SSRI’s on the market as well as the prison guard unions.
Common core is all about developing algorithms on the children and dossiers on their families so the government will know who to watch, who to lock up, who to frame, who to recruit and who to eventually discard.
Common core is connected to Obama care which has a forced vaccination component attached to it.
Common core, under project inkwell, demands wireless connectivity.
Common core is all about a forced exposure wireless microwave classroom matrix that will irreparably harm your children’s reproductive organs, their health, rob their vitality and put them in a permanent brain fog and it is all by design.
Common core eliminates textbooks thereby eliminating parental ability to preview and inspect curriculum in the new digital learning environment.
Common core is the final tie in with the wireless devices to the biometric indentifiers such as retina scanning, voice recognition, facial recognition, and collection of blood, saliva and tissue samples under federal edict,
Common core eviscerates all aspects of student and family privacy with data feeds making a permament record flowing like the Atrato river into the hands of those who have no business getting their claws on it.
Common core is a Federal takeover of education leaving local control limited only to whether public comments at the board meetings will be at the beginning or the end of the meeting.
Common core is all about a Fascist data mining public private partnership police nanny state that makes Halliburton look like a convent and 1984 look like a B movie.
Common core is being rolled out, followed, and even celebrated by greedy public employees that will do whatever they are told as long as they can go on their vacations, go shopping, eat bacon in Europe during the summer and fill the their trash cans with beer and wine bottles when they get home as they look the other way while your children are being dumbed down and sterilized by the wireless environment common core demands.
Common core is being aided and abetted by treasonous cowardly willfully ignorant school board trustees that are in their positions for all the wrong reasons.
Common core is the ultimate defining moment expose of the moral character of your school administrators, board members, teachers and even parents who blindly worship the system and go along with this horrible agenda.
Common core has been designed to harm your children ladies and gentlemen and destroy our nation.
Common core is all about crossing the line.
Just you wait until the real journaling starts on those backlit screen, macular degeneration inducing, sterilizing microwave transmitters called infertility pads (iPads) coming to your children’s laps. Perhaps at your school, it is already happening.
As for you teachers, board members and administrators that happily go along with this totalitarian eugenics agenda, you will all be replaced by outsourcing, facilitators and devices once you have finished laying the groundwork. They will simply steal your bankrupted pensions and lay you all off only to be replaced by the minions that you all trained to do exactly what you were warned they would do, that is to blindly follow orders on a magnitude exponentially higher than any of of you cowardly myopic fools could ever imagine. Will these will be those who will someday make decisions for you, forcibly inject you, irradiate you, operate on you, arrest you, prosecute you, or even euthanize you?

A student in one of Robert Pletka’s 21st century wireless classrooms creating and collaborating with the WiFi antenna irradiating his sensitive developing reproductive organs-it is located right on his zipper.
No matter how you slice it, it comes up lose lose for the children and now even the parents. As for me and mine, well, we ain’t buyin’ it. The snake oil needs to stay in the bottle and the buffalo chips need to head back out to the pasture. As far as crossing the line, well the potentially irreparable reproductive harm from irradiating young children all day long just so the brainwashing and brain damaging can continue while the algorithms are developed on the students and the dossiers can be compiled on kids and parents crosses ’em all ladies and gentlemen. It crosses ’em all.
#1 by Opt Out of your child's info release on February 12, 2016 - 5:21 pm
ALERT! “The Identity Theft Resource Center and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse want to alert all parents of school-aged children throughout California about a pending deadline to Opt-Out on the release of their child’s sensitive personal identifying information. The deadline for parents and adult students to object to the disclosure of personal information and records is April 1, 2016.”