1. #1 by Anonymous on April 23, 2021 - 11:02 am

    Every person who claims a vaccine, mask, or distancing protects them cannot claim others need to do these things. The two contradict. If you have a vaccine, then you cannot get it and don’t need a mask, or distancing. So nobody else would need it to protect you. This is mass mind control nonsense. This is one last experiment to see if they have enough completely controlled to finish the poisoning slavery mass murder insanity. Guess what? They don’t have enough. Less than 20% who wear the masks and think they may take the shots want to do this, or trust this evil insane lying terrorizing system. As always evils fails right at it thinks its about to win once and for all. So beware they will try to trick as many into going down with them as they can. They are still only a tiny fraction of humanity. So its all CON scams. They operate on lies and fear fictions. Now you know.

    They use all the information outlets and key positioned willingly involved and copy cats people from the top on down. Nobody who lies, terrorizes, bullies, does wrongs, violates common sense rights and matching laws can be trusted. Now you know what to look for, stop and stay away from. Its that simple. they cannot operate around peaceful and wise, so they encourage everything else. Watch for those who encourage evils and unethical things. Then you know who to help, avoid and deal with appropriately to stop the insanity. I’ve come to a place well manipulated by deceivers used to deceive others. I do this to show you can love most into being good the right way. Those you cannot are evil. You cannot do anything about those who are evil and choose to be and continue to be evil. They RUIN the earth, civilizations, Eco systems and humanity, so love them into being good by stopping them. Again as peacefully and wisely as possible. They cannot operate and RUIN around this, or from afar when this is in place. Pass it on!

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